
Wednesday, June 09, 2004

like sands thru the hourglass, so are the cells of my brain...

not doing a lot atm... lots of thinking and feeling,
through all the colours of the spectrum.

a little edumacation as to the wonders of Buffy & Angel via dvd hiring....
that's me doing the edumacating of another, I've been a fan for a long long time :) (just getting in before the jeers!! :P :) )

managed to get the mower happening yestermaday, way cool -> tho a struggle to have to manually secure the cable at choke and run possies, and then unscrew clamp to cut the throttle.... not so bad when finished, but really challenges my lazy streak when turning it off to walk it between front and back lawns without shaving those obstacles that must be crossed to achieve my objective ;)

also re-orgamanised my back yard - finally! been here a week shy of 3 months and finally put my pushbike and wheelbarrow etc way way back out of sight and out of the driving rain (falling rain misses it, only rain that is supremely driven can get to it... oh god shut up cat)

kinda looks nice out there now... shall we have tea on the terrace sometime kids? when the weather is fine? the last few days would have been perfect... if i hadn't been curled up in front of a dvd player or pushing a mower etc etc etc.... :-D

soon my pretties, soon :-D


happywiigiiciao :)



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