
Monday, February 25, 2008

Wish I'd thought of it...

Valentine's message in our local rag...

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Friday, February 22, 2008

You are in my power...



Thursday, February 14, 2008

Two Miracles

The legend of the Happy Plant says that when it flowers, a miracle happens.. My happy plant that I have been caring for for 23 years, since 1985, through 11 houses, is currently flowering for the first time...

I knew this was a time for miracles...
The draceana fragrans massangiana, or I didn't know this but it is called a corn plant in the states, is known locally as a happy plant, or a chinese money tree, even though it is from Africa... the legend goes that you must never buy one for yourself, but only give them as gifts, or receive them as gifts, and when they flower, a miracle will occur... looks like we got ours :-)

The blooms have a deep frangipani like scent, which is interesting because it is dwarfed by my back neighbour's border of native frangipani (hymenosporum flavum) which also give off that scent, but they are not in flower currently.

It looks like this one:

I see these days the lucky bamboo and jade tree have taken over from the dracaena fragrans as the "Chinese Money Tree"

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