Wednesday, February 28, 2007
although I prefer to be called an iconoclast...
If only I could have blogged my thoughts today, but I have the flu on top of all the other crud so I can barely string two random insipid thoughts together, let alone the scathey wathey ones ;-)
wiigii ciao!!
Labels: ah life, danger will robinson, icky, iconoclast, scathing, sick, sinus
Saturday, February 24, 2007
no post because i'm swamped with internetty thinking searching chatting googling stuff and thinging.
and having my life saved.
here: Aussie Thyroid Mates and here: Stop the Thyroid Madness
The Aussie Thyroid Mates site is a Yahoo! group for Australians who have thyroid issues or families and friends thereof. Nothing like a friendly neighbour!!
The Stop the Thyroid Madness
is the most important patient advocate and reference site I've ever come across in way too many (read nerd) years of internetting stuff.
If you click it you will learn.
you know you want to!!!
Labels: advocacy, group, health, help, hypothyroid, support, thyroid, treatment
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
the Pain Management Clinic,
when asked today what the wait was like, answer:
"Four weeks to two years"
I'm guessing they'll decide where on that sliding scale i sit when the referral is received.
The Joys of...
Morphine, well apparently some people think there are some, but this person does not.
It has terrible side effects, nausea, dizziness (yep goes just dandy with vertigo), digestive problems (polite version), withdrawal between doses, foggy thinking, nightmares, agitation, anxiety, depression, panic attacks.
I believe that it is not suitable for use following head injury in most cases, but what do I know? :P
Labels: head injury, health, pain, pain managment, sick
Monday, February 19, 2007
I often wish I still had some privacy, not even the loo is sacred any more with the pitter patter of tiny cute little hairy black feet everywhere...
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Yes Virgnia, there really is a Bernadette Onion> If only Gerry were here...
On another note, I can't seem to get June Dally Watkins out of my head, her name has been floating through my head all day.
Perhaps I'm just not ladylike enough.
Labels: ah life, bernadette onion, june dally watkins, omg, out of my mind, yes virginia
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
here are some other characters from the Third Degree's show "The Ronnie Johns Half Hour" that are performed by Heath Franklin.
Labels: chopper, comedy, fringe, fun stuff, harden the fuck up, not so cynical, yay
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I can't wait to see Uncle Chop Chop, for f*kn bingo even, definitely planning to harden the f*ck up, the moustaches are on their way... I've even got some old aviator sunnies around the place somewhere...
Ross Noble has been a hero of mine for some time now, so Fizzy Logic is a definite must see, I do miss the bright red and or white hair though :)
reports in due time...
and now for:
Casino Royale
Well that was quite a ride indeed, from the opening credit animation where 2D people are being killed all over the place by card suits and bleeding all over a background mainly comprised of two-minute noodles, I knew this wasn't going to be like any Bond film I'd seen before.
The movie opens with a double bluff assasination, another assasination retrospective, setting the scene for the ascension of James Bond to "double O" status, which an agent must have had two kills to reach.
At this point I was wondering what all the Daniel Craig hullabaloo was about - I don't see what hair and eye colour have to do with playing JB? I certainly thought he was convincing enough in a cartoonesque character that vascillated between uber cold and shallow and beginning to thaw and have feelings.
Some of you will know that I have a head injury, and along with that comes vertigo, so I can no longer watch any hand-held or generally shaky camera work and either process the information, or perhaps remain non-nauseous. In this instance, for most of the cobra vs mongoose to contruction site to embassy chase scene, I was unable to take in much of what was going on. My recall of it however is that it made me laugh, alot, and I was unsure as to whether the humour was intentional or otherwise? I'm guessing intentional, the entire chase scene was super human, and particulary within the building site, Nintendo-esque. We just needed a few barrel jumps and the video game analogy would have been complete.
I won't waste time on the plot, suffice to say, intrigue, action, double crosses and double double crosses, violence, alcohol, snootiness and wordplay abound.
I did fall in love with the Aston Martin DBS though, I'd seen it on Top Gear, my only "must see" show of the week (Good health to Hamster!),
but fell in love all over again during this movie.
In short, this is one for the fans of Bond or the action genre, the nearly 2 hour running time breezed by, so it held my spotty attention despite vertigo.
Labels: 007, action, aston martin, casino royale, chopper, comedy, fringe, fun stuff, harden the fuck up, james bond, movies, not so cynical, ross noble, top gear, yay
Monday, February 12, 2007
Do you know the mantra of WorkCover? You know the one, I’m sure of it.
The one they preach as if they’ve discovered the secret of the universe!
Eureka! By George we’ve got it!
'The sooner an injured worker returns to the workplace, the better their overall recovery is.
Or variations on that theme.
I’ve heard that spouted by too many unthinking minds, too many times have I been patronised by their attitude, their self-righteousness inspired by that catchphrase.
The reality of the situation is somewhat different however.
The truth is:
'The less disabling or severe the injury to the worker, the less time they will have off of work and therefore the better their overall recovery.'
The truth is that the seriousness of the injury is wholly at issue here, not the attitude of the worker. Browbeating and patronizing people does nothing to inspire confidence and a desire to return to an abusive workplace / or work with an abusive rehabilitation provider.
Despite the oft repeated mantra above, these people are chanting the wrong stuff, it actually reads:
'The earlier an injury is treated and managed, the sooner the worker will return to work and recover from the injury.'
Full text here:
Labels: injury, patronising, rhetoric, self esteem, workcover
Saturday, February 10, 2007
to Casino Royale today, review later when I can manage it! :)
Friday, February 09, 2007
We've got our tickets! That's March sorted!
Have you got yours yet?
Labels: ah life, comedy, fun stuff, not so cynical, yay
I really wish that somehow we could move away from this materialistic capitalistic view of the world, it strikes me that there are some really serious problems that have not been considered as a consequence of money being the "IT" of our lives.
When I was at my previous position, a colleague mentioned to me (his background was medical) that he believed that people in the medical profession should get paid waaay more than they are now. To me it seems incredible that he would think so, as at the moment, a majority of the people with the most money can get into medicine at University in this country, swayed by how well they are attuned to the examination process, not neccessarily how well they perform vocationally. It is sad to me that something so important should be centered around greed and not vocation, while the most gifted healers in our society are probably collecting your garbage for a pittance...
Labels: capitalism, garbage, greed, materialism, medical, vocation
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
where the guy grows vegetables in the dirt on the footpath
subversive bastard
I love it
visit Margaret: Re-earthing the Cities
Labels: green guerilla, permaculture, re earthing the cities, subversive, vegetables
Friday, February 02, 2007
from the best movie in the whole world ever, and my ultimate favourite, Harold and Maude.
Labels: ah life, glorious birds, harold and maude, how it should be, not so cynical